Friday, January 28, 2011

Help others and Earn Money

If you're passionate about something, whether it's a hobby or sport, a craft, baking or cooking, gardening or psychology, home remedies or fixing cars, parenting or finances, or just like to help others, you can write about what you know and publish what you wrote online, on a writing site, or on a free blog of yours, or on a site of yours that you've paid hosting and domain registration for, and that has a unique URL (website address.)

How can writing about things I'm passionate about earn me money, and how does it help other people?

You'd be surprised how many people don't know things about certain topics, like you do - knowledge that you take for granted because you already know what's what; you've already done your learning, or have experienced a situation that you can tell others about.

Millions of people search the Internet everyday, to learn more about something. Provide content on your site or in an article on a writing site that these people can find and learn from. You're giving them free information.

You want to make it easy for people to find the information on your site, so you link to your site from other sites, you share the link to your site or article on a site on FaceBook, or you can use over 40 free ways to advertise your website.

If you have a Google Adsense publisher account, you can display ads on your site, and the ads usually link to sites that have similar content to what you've written on the same page as those ads. Although people are happy with the information you gave them on the page, they want to know even more, so they click an ad, and you earn money.

You're also helping the advertisers of those ads. People want to advertise their business to get more clients or sell more products, and their ads appear on your site. When the ads are clicked, those advertisers have to pay Google Adwords, and because you're an Adsense publisher you get a commission because their ads were displayed on your site. In other words you can help others and earn money.

So, get writing and helping others, and start earning some money for it.

© copyright Teresa Schultz 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Update on my Top 10 Helium article Earnings, 24 January 2011

Yes, I know, it's been only 11 days since I last reported on my top 10 Helium article earnings, but I'm a bit of a stats freak, so here's the latest on my Helium article earnings:

Well, the top 4 positions didn't change, and those 4 articles have earned me a further $0.17 in the last 11 days. The top one has earned me a further $0.11 of that $0.17, and the other 3 less, but totalling a $0.17 increase for the top 4.

Previous positions 5 and 6 have traded places.

The article that was in position 10 on my top 10 Helium article earnings list 11 days ago is now in position 8, having earned me $0.10 in the last 11 days.

11 days ago, my top 10 Helium article earnings, so far, was sitting at a total of $6.05 (since I first submitted them to Helium.) Although positioning has changed a bit, all of those ten are still my top ten earners on Helium, and are now sitting at a total of $6.40, meaning that those same ten articles have earned me a further $0.35 over the last 11 days.

It may not sound like much, but since I already did the work related to these article prior to first uploading them to Helium, it's nice to say that I earned a further $0.35 over the past 11 days for them. Even while I was sleeping, I was earning.

It's nice to imagine that I already had 1 000 articles on Helium, and although I can't possibly 100% accurately predict future earnings, as it may fluctuate, it's also nice to imagine that 1 000 articles on Helium might earn me $35 every 11 days, even if I added no new articles to Helium.

I have more than these 10 articles on Helium, but am just keeping track here of the top ten, so far. Many of my Helium articles also appear on other sites where they also earn me money.

I can withdraw my Helium earnings into my PayPal account every time my Helium earnings balance reaches $25. I can request my Helium payment to be released to my PayPal account twice per month, if I have at least $25 in my Helium account.

© copyright Teresa Schultz 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Trade Advertising on your Site for Money, Services or Products

If you've worked hard at getting a ton of traffic to your site, and it keeps getting a lot of taffic, people will be happy to advertise on your site, with a text link, or banner that links to their site.

The problem is that so many people are looking for free ways to advertise a website so they may be reluctant to pay for advertising on your site, even if you're getting loads of traffic - perhaps your content is not that related to what it is they do or sell.

Offer free advertising in exchange for services or products that the advertiser has!

Obviously you must want or need the services or products that you'll be trading the free advertising space on your site for.

Two ways to find products or services that you want or need, that you can exchange for free advertising space on your site, are:

Know or decide on a product or service that you want, then browse through search engine results for the service or product. The people who have wesites coming up on page one of search engine results are not your target market, nor are those who have good PPC ad campaigns. The sites that are only appearing on page 5 or worse of search engine results may very well have a good product or service, but there's so much competiton out there, that they're not getting good natural search engine results, and they would possibly welcome more exposure for free, on a site that is getting lots of traffic, like yours.

Contact them, trying not to have the email you send appear like spam, and put forward your proposal in a professional manner.

The second way to trade advertising on your site for services or products you'd like is to advertise this on the very site that is getting lots of traffic and on which the ads will appear. Invite people to email you with details of what they are willing to offer you for free advertising space on your site, and then you can decide if the product or service they're offering is something you want, or will be easy to resell if it's something you don't want.

Depending on the value of the service or the product you can even offer different lengths of time for which their free ad will appear.

Give people links to places where they may be able to see how much traffic your site is getting, perhaps take screenshots of traffic results that only you can usually access and display them as images on your site. Use any methods you can to prove to people that your site is getting a lot of traffic, so they know that their advertisement will be seen plenty of times.

Proving that your site gets lots of traffic may encourage people to just pay money to advertise on your site anyway, instead of you having to find or decide on which services or products there are that you would like in exchange for giving away free advertising.

Start this idea with first getting lots of traffic to your site. This list of 42 free ways to do so may help.

© copyright Teresa Schultz 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Basics Needed to Make Money on the Internet

There are basics needed to make money on the Internet. If you already have a computer and Internet connection (those are two basics needed) it is quite possible to make money on the Internet at no further cost to you other than your time and effort, but there are a few other basics needed too, like how are you going to be paid?

It's no good getting all excited about the big online adventure you're going to undertake, without being able to receive the money you earn!

Using Google Adsense to make money on the Internet is one of the most popular and easiest ways to find your footing in your new online adventure, but to do that your Adsense account application must be accepted and you need a bank account to deposit your first Adsense check into, and all the other Adsense checks you receive after that first one.

Just a usual savings account is usually fine for you to deposit Adsense checks into, so if you don't yet have a bank account, go and get one! (Just finish reading this article first!)

Next, how to get your Adsense account application accepted?

Fill in all your details carefully and you're going to have to give the URL (website address) of one website, that Google then checks through to see if it meets all the requirements to allow you to have your Adsense account.

What? I need a website? I thought I could start out making money online with the only expenses being having a computer and Internet connection?

That's correct.  You can start out making money online with only a computer and Internet connection, a bank account, and/or PayPal account, but you have to give the URL of a website you plan to put Adsense ads on when you sign up for a Google Adsense account - that does not have to be a site you've paid money for - you can use a free blogging platform like this site you're on right now, a Blogger blog.

Now another problem that may arise while waiting to see if your Adsense account application is approved is that your site needs to meet certain guidelines, some of the basic ones to remember is that it should be a family-friendly site, be fairly neat and easy for visitors to it to read what's there, and that the site should already be receiving quite a bit of daily traffic (visitors) - at least 50 a day should do it.

But I don't yet have 50 visitors a day, and I want Adsense! Boo Hoo!

Do not despair!

Some writing sites like Xomba (free to join) allow you to use the URL of your profile on their site when you sign up for an Adsense account.  They sometimes have a page of instructions on their site on how to do it, or a forum where you can ask questions of the writing site staff or other members. Obviously most writing sites are getting far more than a mere 50 visitors a day.

If you do not yet have a website or blog that is getting more than 50 visitors a day, I would suggest joining a site like Xomba to help you try and get an Adsense account application approved more easily.

But I want the Adsense ads on my own website, blog, or free Blogger blog!

Hang on!

Once you have an Adsense account application approved (like if you tried through a site like Xomba and the application was accepted) you can put Adsense ads on your own site too, even if the site is not yet getting a lot of traffic - but I would encourage you to make an effort at increasing traffic to your site first, rather, or at least as soon as possible, even if you have already added some Adsense ads to your low-traffic site. One way to start trying to increase traffic to your site is by being active on a writing site like Xomba. (Don't just join a writing site with the sole purpose of trying to get an Adsense account application approved!)

On Xomba you can link to your site on your profile, beneath your comments on other people's articles, and in short bookmarks where you describe the content a visitor to your site will find on a certain page (and you link to the page.)

I would suggest get to know your way around a writing site, like Xomba, post a few articles, maybe even just 3 or 4, comment on the articles of others, then only apply for an Adsense account.

When you do have an Adsense account application approved, whether the URL you gave when you signed up was for Xomba, another writing site, one of your own paid for sites, or your totally free site like this site, a Blogger blogspot site, you do not need to give Google Adsense another URL when you want to add Adsense ads to a second and third site etc. - you just add the Adsense ads coding containing your Adsense publisher id - you create the coding for these ads within your Google Adsense account, following simple instructions. 

For writing sites that you join you don't even have to create coding in your Adsense account first, you just submit your publisher id in a section in the writing site, and you get to share in the money the writing site makes from displaying Adsense ads, or the ads are rotated, sometimes showing ads with your publisher id number in them, sometimes showing ads with the writing site's publisher id number in them - or some ads on the page are the writing site's Adsense ones, and one or some are your Adsense ones.

With a Blogger blogspot blog like this one, you don't need to create coding within your Adsense account either - you just submit your Adsense publisher id in the "monetize your blog" section of your Blogger blogspot dashboard, you can just add an Adsense gadget (in the "design" section of your Blogger blogspot dashboard), choose colours for it within the gadget settings, save the settings, and publish it.

Another "basic" needed to make money on the Internet related to Adsense is that once you have an Adsense publisher account, and display the ads on your site or blog, you need to have a privacy policy in place on your site or blog, or you can risk having your Adsense publisher account shut down and get yourself banned from ever using Adsense again.  There are other terms of service, terms and conditions, policies to abide by, about Google Adsense that you should check out and make sure you do everything right.  Apparently getting banned from Adsense, even if it was just a mistake on your part, is an extremely difficult thing to sort out, and you may never get your Adsense account back again. 

See this site's privacy policy by clicking the tab that says "privacy policy" at the top of this page next to the "home" tab. Google Adsense Publishers (you) can create a free similar/same privacy policy for your own site here.

Oh, and one more very important thing - Never click your own Adsense ads! On your own site or on your own content pages of a writing site you belong to.  It's a big no-no.

Okay, let's move onto PayPal.

Get a PayPal account.

In South Africa, we need to link our PayPal account to an FNB cheque account. I didn't yet have an FNB cheque account, as I banked elsewhere, but I went and applied for an FNB cheque account at an FNB branch, and it was all relatively easy.  Then I went online and linked my FNB cheque account to my PayPal account.

The steps I took to apply for an FNB cheque account and link my FNB cheque account to my PayPal account may help people from other countries too, not just residents of South Africa.

You don't need a PayPal account to receive your earnings from Google Adsense; you only need a PayPal account if you've joined sites like some writing sites that pay only via PayPal.

I hope my blog post here helps people get started with an online adventure of  making money using the Internet!

It may seem all a bit overwhelming if you're just starting out - it was for me too - but take it slowly, go through the steps of setting up the basics that you need in place, always do a lot of reading about sites that you join or plan to use as your own, join the sites, get set up with your own site, even a free Blogger blogspot blog, and then move on from there, paying attention to writing well, and getting lots of traffic to your sites or to your articles on writing sites.

You'll be fine - just take the first step, and get started making money online.

© copyright Teresa Schultz 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Is it quicker to Add Content to a Website or to a Blog?

A website needs coding to make the pages appear on the Internet.  So when you add content to a website you've designed or give your website designer text content to add to your site, some coding work has to be done to make the text appear on the website, on the Internet.

With a blog, if you're fairly sure of your spelling and grammar and don't need to first write offline to use a spellchecker first or a grammar checker, you just write your sentences directly in the "add a new post" part of your blog's dashboard, add a few tags, click publish, and you're done!

Even if your website designer sets up a file editing system to allow you to access certain parts of your website yourself, writing a blog post is still that much quicker when it comes to adding new content to your site.

A content management system, however, if you know what you're doing, can also be as quick as using a blog to get your content "out there" as quick as possible.

Although Tony and I design websites for others and for ourselves, when I suddenly feel like writing a new article, for me, the easiest and quickest is to just add that new article to one of my WordPress blogs or one of my Blogger blogs.  I'm writing this right now, hopefully there are not too many grammar or spelling mistakes (although I can edit this post afterwards if I notice any errors), and once I'm done writing, I'm just going to add a few tags (keywords that are perhaps repeated on this page at least twice), click "publish" and a second later it will be live on the Internet for anybody who visits this site to see! Quick, hey?

© copyright Teresa Schultz 2011

Make Money Online for Free

How to make money online for free?  Well, you can make money online for free just like I am doing right now!  I mean right now.  This Blogger blog costs me nothing. Okay I have to have a computer and an Internet connection, but that's it!

Free blogs are fun and easy to use, and you can make money online with them, for free!

How can you make money online for free with free blogs?

You can work at getting lots of traffic (visitors) to your site by doing a bit of keyword research, writing articles or posts or news on your free blogs frequently, getting links back to your blog from other sites (easy; just leave some comments on other blogs) and put ads on your site.

If you're getting a lot of traffic to your sites, your ads are going to be seen a lot, and some of the visitors will click the ads to learn more about whatever is being advertised.  You earn money from having those ads on your site when they are clicked, or, in some instances, when the visitor to your site clicks the ad, and when gets to the website the ad links to, buys a product or hires the person for a service they are offering.

Making money from having a blog does not mean that you have to pay for that blog, or get a domain registered or pay for hosting.  There are free blogs that you can use, like the kind I'm using right now, here, this Make Money Use Internet Blogger blog.

You can also sell something on your free Blogger blog.  If you make something at home that is easy to pop in the post to buyers, you can take photos of your product, put the photos on your Blogger blog, tell people a bit about your products, and let them contact you via phone or via email, to place their order!

Maybe you take really beautiful photographs.  Display them on your Blogger blog, with a watermark or something to help people not pinch them, and when people order the digital photo that they may want to use on their own site, you can remove the watermark from the one in your computer folder, and just email it to them.

You can offer a service that you provide, like freelance writing, Internet research, logo or web design.

You really can make money online for free, using free blogs.  Stop spending too much time thinking about it. Just start doing it!

© copyright Teresa Schultz 2011

Make Money from Selling your Own Websites

You can make money from selling your own websites.  Making money from selling your own websites is not going to earn you that much money if you don't put in the effort to learn how to go about it properly, and put in the effort to make your websites worth the higher prices you can ask for them.

It should be your own websites that you're creating and wanting to sell, not the type hosted on somebody else's website where it does not have it's own unique website address.  In other words you're going to need to register a domain and get hosting for your site or sites.

Now if you don't know how to design a website or understand too much about html and CSS coding, there are some options available to you:
  • You can take the time to learn how to design your own websites; for free from information on the Internet is fine; you don't have to pay to learn how to design a website (Tony and I didn't; are self-taught, and even have a bit of a web design portfolio now from having designed websites for other people.)
  • You can hire somebody to design your website for you, giving them all your written content to upload to your site, for you.
  • You can learn how to use a WordPress blogsite, where you can get by without having to know much html, or any at all.  Now I don't mean the WordPress sites that are totally free, hosting and all, that have addresses that end in and that you get at - I'm talking about the free WordPress themes you get at that you get hosting for, and you register a unique domain name.  You can learn how to get it all sorted and ready to use by yourself, or pay somebody to do it for you, where all you have to do is log in and start fiddling and adding content - like through us, our cheapest starting package is just R420, including hosting, domain registration, initial set up and more.
Now that you've decided on which kind of site you want to use, why are other people going to want to buy your site when you try sell it?

Well, they're not going to want to buy your site unless you put in some effort making your site attractive to potential buyers.

How do you make a website attractive to potential buyers, when you're trying to sell that website at a profit?

And when can you charge more than the average website seller out there?

If you have a really good domain name for your website (the website address), I guess you could try just slapping a bit of content on, and hoping that people would want to buy the site on the strength of the good domain name alone.

How do you determine what a good domain name is that others are likely to want to buy?

Well, that's another whole story, but, briefly, you need to buy and register a domain name that has words in it that many people are searching for every month.  You can find out how many people are searching for certain words on the Internet every month by making free use of the Google Adwords Keyword Tool.  Then of course, that domain name must be available to register.

What can you do if you want to charge a higher price for your website?

You can add a few pages of content that have words that many people are searching for every month.  If you do your research well, using the Google Adwords Keyword Tool and any other free tools you know of or find, you may be able to have the title, description and link to your site appearing on page one of Google search results when people use those words to look for information on Google (or Bing, Yahoo, etc) - if your chosen words have a lot of competitors this is more difficult to achieve, so don't ignore the words that do not have too high a monthly search volume, as they often have less competitors.  Too few though (competitors) and too low a monthly search volume could also mean that hardly anyone is looking for information about those words each month, so it can be tricky getting the balance right.

You can also start getting some links from other sites that have related information on them, to increase the page rank of your site.  One of the easiest and cheapest, although time-consuming, ways to do this is to comment (decent comments; not spammy ones!) on other blogs that have similar content to your site.  It helps if these blogs that you comment on have a good page rank already, have been around for a while, and get lots of traffic - you can usually tell by how frequently they post new content and the amount and frequency of comments they get, or you can do a check using a pagerank checker or using Woo Rank.  They may also be using PPC advertising like Google Adwords, to help themselves get more traffic - you can check it they are on KeyWordSpy.

The content on your site should be well researched and well written, and also related to the domain name of your site.  If using a html website always include meta title, meta description, and meta keywords in the coding, and a doc type declaration in the very first line of coding.  If using a WordPress blog, always fill in the description area, usually found below where you write your new post, and always fill in quite a few tags in the tag section.  Write titles for your articles that are related to the domain name too.

Do not put the articles on other sites too, and when you sell your website or WordPress blogsite, you can add extra charges on for the content on the site, since you have saved people the trouble of getting some content added to their new site, content that is already drawing traffic from search engines because you so nicely did the correct research to try ensure that it did!  If you don't put the articles on other sites too, your buyer gets fullrights to the content, and you can charge more.

You can also give the new buyer a list of sites where you have left a comment or link back to the site.

In other words you've done a lot of work at helping the site get found easily already, and have saved the new owner of it the trouble from doing all that work himself - he gets a site, probably related to his business, that is already getting the right type of traffic he wants it to get.

Sometimes a person may not want to buy any of your websites you're selling with the aim of giving their business more exposure, but they may be wanting to buy the website because they want to put ads on the site that can earn them a passive income, like from affiliate programs or from Google Adsense, or they may want to rent out ad space on their site.  They may even want to add some more articles to it, and then resell it to somebody else!  It's up to them what they do with the site; once they've bought it from you, it's theirs.

You may want to let the site age for a bit before trying to sell it, so that awareness about its existence is given a chance to grow, so that traffic to it increases, so that its page rank increases.  Perhaps 6 months.  Longer if you want.

The more you can offer a potential buyer of your website, the more you can charge for it.

Speaking of putting Google Adsense ads on a website, you may want to do that yourself too, before you sell the site, and then just take the ads off when you sell the site as the ads would have your Adsense publisher id in them, and the new owner might want to add his own ads to the site.

What might happen, though, if you use ads on your site prior to selling it, is that you may be happy with the earnings you are making from the ads, and you may decide not to sell the site afterall.  You've, in effect, created the perfect site for yourself!

© copyright Teresa Schultz 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My top 10 Helium article earnings report 13 January 2011

I joined the Helium writing site on 11 September 2010, so that's 4 months and 2 days ago. I was just on the Helium site, and was checking to see if any of my Helium articles had earned $1 yet, in passive income earnings from Helium's ad revenue share, just because my articles are published on the site.

Well, not quite yet.  The highest earning article has earned $0.99 from Helium since it's been published on Helium.  I say "from Helium" because Helium allows its writers to republish articles elsewhere, and even to publish previously published articles too.  In other words my articles on Helium are sometimes also published elsewhere online and earning me money from those sites too.

Articles submitted to Helium's Market Place section, however, cannot be previously published elsewhere, or be published anywhere else later either.

The Helium writing site made changes to their upfront payment system on 6 December 2010, which I'm not too thrilled about and I probably will no longer be using their upfront system for publishing my articles on Helium, but I'm happy to continue using Helium to publish my articles, as I can still earn passive income from them on Helium, in the regular article submission section, and can still republish these articles elsewhere, or let them be previously published ones.

My top 10 Helium article earnings (passive income from Helium ad revenue share) to date:

Google Adsense Testimonials
Published on Helium 24 Oct 2010 - 2 months and 20 days ago

How to help your teen start a home-based business
Published on Helium 18 Sept 2010 - 3 months and 26 days ago

How to make extra money selling at flea markets
Published on Helium 22 Sept 2010 - 3 months and 22 days ago

Making a passive income from online writing
Published on Helium 23 October 2010 - 2 months and 21 days ago

Tips for hosting an outdoor children's birthday party
Published on Helium 15 Sept 2010 - 3 months and 29 days ago

Easy ways to add exercise to your day
Published on Helium 24 Sept 2010 - 3 months and 20 days ago

How to make money selling eBooks
Published on Helium 20 Sept 2010 - 3 months and 24 days ago

How to help a child with special projects
Published on Helium 15 Sept 2010 - 3 months and 29 days ago

Tips for helping your child with homework
Published on Helium 28 Sept 2010 - 3 months and 16 days ago

How Helium can improve: A writer's perspective
Published on Helium 7 Dec 2010 - 1 month and 6 days ago

Total $6.05

These Helium writing site articles are not yet finished earning me money, and may never be, as long as they are on Helium.  They keep earning me money!  Cool, huh?  I submit an article to Helium once, and it keeps earning me money!

I also earn more from these articles if I also have them published in other places online!

I have 76 articles on Helium, but these 10 articles above are my top 10 earners on Helium, so far.

Hop on over to the Helium writing site, and join!

Or, please email me and I'll send you an invite (tell me in the email that you would like me to send you a Helium invitation to your email address) - that way I get to earn a bit from having referred you.  Thanks! (Once you join you can also invite others to join by emailing them an invite from within your Helium account, and earn a bit when they earn a bit from their articles.)

© copyright Teresa Schultz 2011

Related articles on my Make Money Writing Online site:

My Helium Earnings
Helium Monthly Residual Payments
Helium Upront Payment System Changes Dec 2010

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Make Money Online For Free list of 13 sites to help you Make Money Online

This list of 13 sites or articles to help you make money online for free were selected from a list in a folder in my favourites entitled Online Income Opportunties. I have found these sites or articles very useful or inspiring in helping me make money online, and I'm sure you will too, or that they will at least inspire you to try, and help you learn the ropes.

40 websites to sell designs and photos online
The list includes sites where you can sell your photos, logo designs, web template designs and tshirt designs. Each site is given a 4 to 8 line description and you can link through to each site described.

Free streams of income opportunities
Read this powerful homepage and be inspired to make money online. The author makes money online because she was determined to find free ways to do it, to learn, work, and succeed.

Rachel's writings and more
Rachel describes how she has gone the route many people do at first, when trying to make money online, and how she has learned from her mistakes. She speaks about sites you can join that she herself has tried and tested, and that cost nothing to join. Save yourself the time (and money) of making mistakes when trying to earn money online and read what Rachael has to say about certain sites you can make money online with.

Using Google Alerts to increase website traffic
Fascinating article about how to use Google Alerts to alert you when blogs have posted new content about a topic similar to what you are interested in or write about on your own site, so that you can hop on over to that blog quickly and leave an appropriate comment with a link back to your own site.

30 cool sites to earn from online
A lovely list of sites to earn from online. Easy to read through as each one is not often give more than a 3 or 4 line description.

28 Ways to make money with your website
An amazing and descriptive list of different ways to make money with your website. Sometimes a list will include ways to increase earnings from an already existing method of making money with your website, but this list is very helpful in that it describes 28 different ways to make money with your website (and you could then still learn how to further increase those earnings.)

Google Keyword tool Redefined
A brilliant, useful and inspiring article on the writing site HubPages, by HubPages writer Misha, about using the Google Adwords Keyword tool to help you decide which keywords to use in your articles - keywords that lots of people use when they search for information on the Internet, so that lots of people find your article or articles, and hopefully click on your ads. Misha does not have many articles on HubPages, yet makes a decent monthly passive income from his HubPages articles, due to the fact that he spends a lot of time on keyword research before writing his articles.

SEO Resources where to start and a list of 30 do follow websites
If you're serious about being serious about making money online, you will realise you need to learn as much as possible about marketing your articles or sites onlines. This article on HubPages links to sites where you can learn more about search engine optimization and also lists a super list of 30 websites that allows do follow links.

Wikipedia's description of what Search Engine Optimization is

Make Money Online
This Make Money Online article on A Self Sufficient Life is written by Mr Dirty Boots and is an open and honest story of how somebody who didn't have work started to make money writing online. The article is entertaining and easy to read, and is definitely useful as it gives plenty of helpful tips about what to do to make money writing online.

8th Month Earnings Report – Xomba and Google AdSense – Dreams Do Come True

101 Ways you can write and make money online

Online Tools and Resources
This is a wonderful little tool on NoJobForMom and it gives a list of sites and ways you can make money, in various categories, including writing, affiliates, and tools to use.

© copyright Teresa Schultz 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Do I have to have a website or blog to make money with Adsense?

People are intrigued at the idea of making money with Google Adsense, but then they do not pursue the idea as they think they need a website or blog, and they don't know much about website design or hiring a website designer, or about domain registration and website hosting, or they don't have the money to pay for their own domain name site.

They might also be a bit nervous about getting a totally free site like a Blogger blog, like this one, even though they shouldn't be!

There is an alternative though.

If people can manage to get around their Face Book account, they should pretty easily be able to get around an online writing site.  Most online writing sites are free to join.

Some online witing sites share their Adsense earnings with you.  If you have an Adsense account, you add your Adsense publisher id number to your writing site account when you sign up, or later, if you want, and you can add articles to the writing site, and earn a percentage of the site's Adsense earnings generated from when people read your content and click on the ads on the same pages as your content.

In other words you are helping the owner or owners of the writing site earn money by providing them with content that trigger the ads to appear, so the writing site owners reward you.

It is also sometimes easier to be accepted by Google Adsense when signing up for a Google Adsense account, if you give your profile URL of a busy writing site you have joined, instead of if you give the URL of your own site that is not yet getting more than 50 visitors a day.

Some writing sites may expect you to have an Adsense account first, but some writing sites allow you to use your profile URL to sign up to Google Adsense.  Follow instructions on any writing site you join.  Xomba is one writing site that has instructions for you.

The nice thing about being accepted by Google Adsense when signing up for your Adsense account using a writing site URL, is that you can then use the same publisher id to display ads on a site of yours that is not yet getting much traffic.  You do not have to have a separate Adsense account for each website or blog you want to display Adsense ads on.  You simply add the URL of the site within your Adsense account.  Actually, you don't even have to do that to earn; you just add the URL so that you can check from time to time to see if that site is getting traffic, impressions or clicks.

Besides Xomba, some other writing sites that share their Adsense revenue with you are:


A bookmarking site is a site you can use to write just a few words (sometimes as little as 50) about an article you have written elsewhere, and link to it, and some of these bookmarking sites also share their Adsense revenue with you, like She Told Me and Best Reviewer.

© copyright Teresa Schultz 2011

What is Adsense?

Google Adsense is a program people sign up for.  They get a Google Adsense publisher id number, are known as an Adsense publisher, and they display ads on the pages of their websites or blogs. When people click an ad to go visit the site that the ad links to, the Adsense publisher earns a commission.

What do Adsense ads look like?

You know when you use Google to search for information about something? On the page of search results that come up, you will sometimes see results at the very top of the page, and sometimes on the right too.  These are Adwords ads that are displaying on Google. 

If you have an Adsense account you are allowed to display these Adwords ads on the pages of your sites or blogs. Customization of the ads is possible, where you can change the colour of the text, the colour of the title text, the colour of the description text, the colour of the URL link text, as well as the background colour and border if you want one.  You can even have images displayed instead of text.

Adsense publishers are allowed to display three Adsense blocks on each page of their site, as well as three link units.  Depending on their preference, some Adsense publishers display all 6, or just one or two.  It's up to them.

Google monitors Adsense accounts closely, records your IP address, and knows if you click your own Adsense ads, so do not do it! You risk getting banned from having an Adsense account.

Google Adsense is free to join.

There are quite a few rules to go through when trying to make sure you do not do anything wrong to risk getting banned from using Google Adsense, but it's a popular way of making money online, and can be well worth the effort of becoming familiar with the Adsense policies, conditions and rules.

Within your Adsense account you can add the URLs (the link to the page, seen and found in the browser bar right at the top of your computer screen) of the pages you have your Adsense ads on, and you can log in from time to time (or a few times a day if you like!) to monitor which pages of your sites are getting impressions and clicks.  You can see how much money you are earning and which of your pages are doing well, and which are not doing so well.

You are allowed to publicly share with others how much you are earning but you are not allowed to disclose your click through rate.  Click through rate is for example 10% if for every 10 times a page with an ad on receives an impression (is seen) the ad is clicked once.

Go through Adsense rules carefully to learn what you can and can not tell others about it.

In South Africa you have to earn R1 000 before Google posts a cheque to the physical address you gave when you signed up.

It took me a year (while not knowing much about Adsense at all) to earn my first R1 000. cheque.  Since then it has been every three months and I am due to receive my fifth Google Adsense cheque soon.  I am almost almost managing to get the three months between cheques down to being only two months between them, and, obviously my aim is to not only try to get a Google Adsense cheque every month, but to try let that monthly cheque be considerably more than R1 000. per month.

Some people really struggle to earn much with Adsense, while others are thriving, especially in the U.S. However, there are actually some South Africans who manage to earn over R10 000. per month with Adsense.

Using Adsense is not simply a matter of putting the ads on your site and expecting the money to roll in.

The text in the Adsense ads automatically generally relates to the text content you have on the pages of your site or blog. Some research and learning is needed to be able to put words in your titles and text that people are searching for quite often.  If your topic does not have too much competition (there are not too many other sites that have similar information) you may manage to get the link and description to your page appearing on the first page of Google results - the natural search results ten results per page - for free, without using Adwords to get an ad linking to your site displayed there in the results.

Also, depending on which keywords you've chosen to target when you write your article on your site or blog, how much you earn when somebody clicks an ad on your page could be different amounts.  Sometimes you may get next to nothing, and sometimes a reasonable amount.  It helps to do research into which kinds of words might generate higher paying ads on your pages, and how much competiton those words have.

If you have an Adwords ad appearing on Google search results and somebody clicks it to visit your site, you pay for that click, whereas you do not pay if your link and description result on Google search results is a natural search result and somebody clicks the link to visit your site.  Well, you might not pay in money, but it can cost quite a bit of time doing research and working on trying to get a Google page one natural search result.

Of course, having a natural search result on page one of Google search results is not the only way to get free traffic (visitors) to your site.

© copyright Teresa Schultz 2011

What is a Blogger blog or Blogspot blog?

A Blogger blog is a blog just like this one.  A Blogger blog's URL address ends in like the URL address of this blog is

Blogger blogs are free and you don't have to register or pay for a domain name or pay for hosting of the site. You don't need to know how to design a website to manage your Blogger blog.

You can also register a domain and get hosting (pay for domain registration and hosting), and still use a Blogger blog, except that then your website address will be nice and unique just like a regular self-hosted website, and your website address will not end in - I have not tried this with a Blogger blog, yet.  I have with a WordPress blog, though (register a domain name and pay for hosting, even though I use a free WordPress theme.)

My other totally free Blogger blogs are:

Teresa Schultz and East London Photographs and Wild Ramblings.

Tony also uses a totally free Blogger blog Tony Flanigan.

Each of the three Blogger blogs I link to above have a different "look." There are a few different themes you can choose from (how your site will look) and you can also choose a background image from the choices available.  You can have the background image showing through the text by choosing that the main section be transparent, or you can just have the edges of the background image showing.

There are quite a few options to play with in the template designer section of your Blogger dashboard, and it can be quite fun creating the look of your blog.

It's very easy to get a Blogger blog. Get a Google account and then get a Blogger blog. You can use your same Google account log in details for your gmail account and Blogger account.  I use Blogger, gmail, Adsense and I even tried Adwords a bit, recently.

Once you have a Google Adsense account, you can add your Adsense publisher ID to your blog, and display Adsense ads on your blog, in an effort to earn some extra income.

© copyright Teresa Schultz 2011

How many sites do I have about making money online?

Besides this Make Money Use Internet Blogger blog, I also have 2 other sites that have information about making money online.  They are not exclusively about making money online, but also have articles telling you other ways you can work from home, that do not involve computers or the Internet at all - unless of course you want to use the Internet to advertise what it is you do from home!

So, actually, even if your work from home idea is not something you do online, you can still say Make Money Use Internet applies, as advertising your product or services online is a way you make money using the Internet.

The two work from home ideas sites I have that include some information about making money online are Work from Home Ideas and Work at Home Jobs.

Work at Home Jobs is a little older than Work from Home Ideas.  Work at Home Jobs is a WordPress blog I added to my main website 1pic4twenty after I realised that a particular page on 1pic4twenty was getting quite a lot of traffic (visitors.) It is a page that has a long list of work from home ideas, in alphabetical order.

The amount of traffic to my list of work from home ideas page is probably not wonderful by global standards, but it is often the most visited page on my main site, indicating that people are looking for ideas on how they can make money at home.

Well, since Tony and I make money at home, I thought we should try help others how to make money at home too.  We know many people are struggling to find work, or struggling to earn some extra income, and that if they have a computer and Internet connection, they can make money online.

Of course getting more traffic to my site (and now my sites) was also in my mind:  not only could the services Tony and I offer gain more exposure by having these people see our links to more details about our services, but we could also earn some extra income by placing Google Adsense ads on our pages, and affiliate program ads too, if we wanted to.

So, we added Work at Home Jobs to our main site, on the same host server, to save money (instead of getting a new domain and hosting package for it.) Work at Home Jobs is a WordPress blog.  We selected a free theme from over 1 000, and set it up on our main site.

Work at Home Jobs is quite similar to our Work from Home Ideas website, when we're speaking about the content on these sites, except that the content is added in different ways.  If you don't know html coding then it's easier to add content to a WordPress blog than to design a website. Although I'm fairly happy with where I've placed my Google Adsense ads on my Work at Home Jobs site, I wanted a bit more freedom with choosing where I put the ads, and so the Work from Home Ideas site came into being - also because of realising that quite a few people search for "work from home ideas" on the Internet due to the traffic to our page with a list of work from home ideas, on our main site.

Then, after realising that search engines like Google favour (this is South Africa otherwise I would write "favor" instead of "favour"  - South Africans and people from the U.K. use favour instead of favor, but if I'm doing a writing assignement for somebody that lives in the U.S. I would use favor) niche sites that have a lot of content related to the title of the site, I started another site called Make Money Writing Online (which is only about making money writing online, even though it can split further into a section about making passive income from writing online, or making money from freelance writing for clients on freelance job sites or privately.)

So, with this site, that's 4 sites I have about making money online, even though it's only this one and the Make Money Writing Online one that are exlusively about using the Internet to make money online.

I also write articles on writing sites about making money online.

© copyright  Teresa Schultz 2011

Make Money Use Internet

Welcome to our new blog, Make Money Use Internet. Yeah, we have other free Blogger blogs too, as well as WordPress blogs that are not free - well, the WordPress themes are free, but we pay for hosting and domain registration. There are totally free WordPress blogs available, where one does not even have to pay for hosting or domain registration, but we prefer to have our own unique domain name for our WordPress blogs, and like to place ads on our WordPress blogs.

We have a few websites too, self-designed using html and CSS.

Who are we?

We are Terry and Tony of TnT Unleashed in South Africa, and we work from home, making money using the Internet. We're currently almost 51 (Tony) and 41 and a half (me, Terry.)

How do we make money using the Internet?

We're self taught freelance web designers. Web design is the main work we do, but we do also make money using the Internet in other ways too.

We started our little work from home freelance web design business in February 2008. From there, slowly growing our web design portfolio, we branched out into other work from home ideas too.

We also make money through freelance writing and writing online, on our own sites, as well as on online writing sites that we join. We also do photo editing, Internet research, on page search engine optimization, and pretty much anything that goes with these different job descriptions!

We do work locally, here in South Africa where we live, and also for International clients, mostly through the freelance job site, oDesk.

We have found that there are many people struggling to find work, or at least struggling to make some extra income that can improve their financial situations, not just here in South Africa.

Many of the articles that we write for our own sites and for online writing sites are about how others can also make money online, or at home, even offline.

It is so often that all one needs to make money at home is to have a computer and Internet connection (the only costs involved,) but the problem comes in when people don't want to spend time reading and learning how to make money on the Internet, or from home, offline. There is so much free information all over the Internet. Just about anyone can make money if they only try.

We got desperate enough looking for work and not finding any work to try to make money on the Internet. We had to read and learn a lot along the way, and we still have to read and learn a lot along the way. We're not yet making as much as we would like to, and at times it's quite a struggle just paying the bills, but our efforts are starting to pay off, and we're so glad we made the effort to try make money online, and that we stuck to it.

© copyright Teresa Schultz 2011