Sunday, July 3, 2011

Plenty of Ways to Make Money Online List

There really are plenty of ways to make money online, and I am using a few of these ways already, and plan to use more soon. It's just that all these plans to make money online get lost in my head somewhere and I need to be more organized to make sense of it all.

I sometimes jot down ideas in a rather scrappy A5 size notebook that stays on the desk near my left elbow right here at the computer - I'm on book 7 now - or I type up what's going on in my head on My Notes and Lists site. My Notes and Lists site is still quite new and I'm not using it as much as I should be yet. I have quite a few sites and I get into a bit of a state trying to decide which one I should add new articles to next.

A list of plenty of ways to make money online probably belongs on My Notes and Lists site, but since this site is all about making money on the Internet, I thought it's just as appropriate, if not more, to put my Ways to Make Money Online List here.


Google Adsense - from publishing articles on my own sites or online writing sites (using Google Adsense to make money online is my current biggest passive income earner)

More Google Adsense - from "bookmarking" sites where I link to my articles I have published on online writing sites or on my own sites - sites like SheToldMe and Best-Reviewer

Pageview Earnings (or Ad Revenue Share) from articles I write for some writing sites like Factoidz and HubPages

Sell Articles on Constant Content I really need to work this one a bit more as I think it has great potential.

Promote Amazon Products as an affiliate

Promote ClickBank products as an affiliate

Promote Offerforge products as an affiliate

Find more sites that have affiliate programmes for their products, even if it's just one product they have, if that product is a good product - also consider looking at E-junkie, and Commission Junction etc

Sell my photos or designs on RedBubble, Zazzle, CafePress and look for other sites where I can sell my photos and designs

Consider selling items on auction sites like Bid or Buy

Write and sell my own ebooks - on my own site or through an affiliate site

Sell direct advertising space on some of my sites or in my work from home ideas newsletter

Sell downloadable items on some of my sites like website header banners, photos, desktop backgrounds, screensavers

Offer a variety of services - which I already do, like web design, website or blog hosting, writing, SEO, Internet Research, and photo editing

Look for and apply for various online freelance jobs on oDesk

Buy and Sell domains

Create, add content to, and sell websites or blogsites

Referrals - join sites that I can earn from if I get more people to join the same sites - I earn my referral commission from either the money they pay to join, or, if there is no joining fee, then my referral commission comes from their activity earnings on the site, or sales they make on the site

Wow, where should I start with doing more about this? Oh well, one thing done already, a new article written. (this one.)

© copyright Teresa Schultz 2011


  1. Great list, Teresa! It looks pretty comprehensive to me. I am working through many of them, but there are only so many hours in a day!


  2. thanks for this post.. I'm think to know more about making money than affiliates... then i read your articles and i know the other ways to make it money more on the internet. Thanks

    magnetic jewelry clasp

  3. Hi Paul - thanks for the comment, and, tell me about it! - never enough hours in a day!

  4. thanks for the comment, magnetic jewelry clasp - yes, there are many more ways to make money online than just from displaying affiliate product banners and links on your site.


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